I wanted to try out some low key photography and Francesca was kind enough to let me use her as a model and use her kitchen as a studio, with a big black background I was hoping to get some very low key images, I think I got some of the way towards the image I had in my head but not all the way. Francesca was pulling all kinds of yoga type shapes and it was taking too long to set up the lights for each of the different poses, next time I shall focus on just a couple of predetermined options and not be so greedy!

As a second set up (see I said I was being too greedy!), I wanted to an ‘all dressed in black’ low key shot in colour rather than the extreme black and whites that I was trying to achieve with the yoga shots. Francesca pulled on an assortment of black clothing and some awesome back boots. My only real issue with this set up was a lack of consideration for the size of the backdrop. All in all a great afternoon shooting and once again, thanks to Francesca for letting me play.