Richmond Park revisited

Richmond Park revisited

The alarm went off at stupid o’clock and we got up and got out of the house by 5:30 so that we could get to Richmond Park before dawn. Unfortunately the beautiful sunrise that I was hoping for was hidden behind a solid grey blanket of cloud but hey, I was there...
return to the BWC

return to the BWC

We decided that it was about time we revisited the British Wildlife Centre, however this time the weather was considerably hotter and many of the animals seemed to be enjoying a day long siesta and proving difficult to see. However by the end of the day I had managed...
A day at The Rare Breeds Centre

A day at The Rare Breeds Centre

I won’t lie, I had always thought of the rare breeds centre near Tenterden as an attraction for little children who wanted nothing more than to stroke a pig and pat a goat but it wasn’t until I started to search for local butterfly displays that I realised...
Photography day at The Big Cat Sanctuary

Photography day at The Big Cat Sanctuary

So, wind back to my birthday in October last year and Becky decided that it would be a good idea to round up members of the family who were willing and, as a group, get me a voucher to attend a one day photography workshop at the WHF Big Cat Sanctuary in Smarden. I...
The Fallow Deer of Belton House in Autumn

The Fallow Deer of Belton House in Autumn

We spent a morning wandering around Belton House near Grantham with the in-laws, soaking up the last of the autumn sunshine whilst admiring the beautiful colours of the foliage and of course, taking pics of some of the more photogenic members of the 300 strong herd of...

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