A cold day at Reculver Towers

A cold day at Reculver Towers

A few pics from a windy walk along the beach at Reculver where I shot images of the Reculver Tower, assorted groins and sea defences.

Land of the Vampire

Land of the Vampire

We had sampled the Yorkshire Dales so felt it only right and proper to give the York Moors a bash. We drove across the rather impressive Yorkshire Moors and dropped down into Whitby. We started our whistle-stop tour of Whitby at the rather beautiful ruins of Whitby...
St Mary’s Ruin

St Mary’s Ruin

We went for a stroll around Pluckley, Little Chart and Egerton and found the ruin of St Mary’s Church, hit by a Doodlebug toward the end of World War II. I spent a while strolling around the grounds taking a few shots and then tried some longer 15 second...
An evening walk at Bodiam Castle

An evening walk at Bodiam Castle

I have decided to regularly enter the WexMondays competition on Twitter as a way to force myself to get out and take images more regularly. To that end I dragged the family off to Bodiam in search of a sunset that never really materialised. I did however manage to get...
Mining Cornwall for pictures

Mining Cornwall for pictures

The weather was beautiful in-land but a persistent sea mist cloaked the coastal areas, so as we set off for a coastal walk around Levant and Botallack, I was a little concerned that nice images might not come my way. However as we neared each view it seemed that the...

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