South Wales 2023

South Wales 2023

If you like waterfalls, and let’s face it, most photographers do! Then there are few places in the Southern half of the United Kingdom that have more to offer than south Wales, and Brecon (I believe it correctly called Bannau Brycheiniog) in particular. We...
In search of kingfishers

In search of kingfishers

Whilst out hunting for images of a kingfisher, I took some random images of assorted feathered wildlife. I didn’t spot any kingfishers.

does this make me a twitcher?

does this make me a twitcher?

With winter making getting outside a little more like hard work, I’ve been stuck indoors recently, So rather than just stare at them through the window, I figured I should capture some of the garden birds that visit in the winter months.

return to Brighton’s Old West Pier

return to Brighton’s Old West Pier

Well, I said I’d be back, and this weekend the weather conditions looked favourable, so we set off for a sunny but chilly Brighton, arriving a couple of hours before sunset – not a starling in sight! We toyed with the idea of heading for the Palace Pier...
Cherry blossom

Cherry blossom

The cherry blossom was in full effect in our back garden and although the sun was shining on the tree, the sky was a dark grey behind, showing off the colours rather nicely. As I was wandering around, our garden robin decided to try and give me a telling off so he got...

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